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简要描述:★ The P7500 Series TriMode probes allow you to switch between differential, single ended, and common mode measurements without moving the probe from its connection points.

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-01-28
  • 访  问  量:1209


★ 泰克P7506差分探头主要参数:
● 衰减:5X / 12.5X
● 带宽:>6 GHz
● 输入阻抗:100 kΩ
● zui大电压:±15 V (DC + pk AC)


★ 泰克P7506差分探头特点和优点

The P7500 Series Probe Architecture provides:

  • Highest bandwidth available – 25 GHz
  • Excellent step response
  • Low-DUT loading
  • High CMRR
  • Differential, single ended, or common mode measurements using one probe


Features & Benefits

  • TriMode™ Probe – One Setup, Three Measurements without Adjusting Probe Tip Connections
    • Differential
    • Single Ended
    • Common Mode (Requires only one probe vs. conventional probing techniques)
  • Signal Fidelity
    • 25 GHz P7520A (with P75PST tip)
    • 20 GHz P7520A
    • 16 GHz P7516
    • 13 GHz P7513A
    • 8 GHz P7508
    • 6 GHz P7506
    • 4 GHz P7504
  • Versatile Connectivity – Solder Down, Handheld, Fixtured
    • Variety of Solder-down Options
      • TriMode™ Solder Tips
      • Small Form Factor for High-density Probing
      • Bandwidth Choices from 4 to 25 GHz
      • 1.5 m Extension Cable for High-temperature Probing
      • Quickly and Reliably Connect to Multiple Probe Tips
    • Precision Differential Probing Module – Optional Handheld and Fixtured Probing
      • Small Precision Tapered Tips, an Articulated Joint for Compliance, and Variable Tip Spacing
  • TekConnect® Interface – TekConnect Scope/Probe Control and Usability
    • Direct Control from Probe Compensation Box or from Scope Menu
    • Automated Measurement Control through the TekConnect® Interface to Connect to Tektronix Real-time Oscilloscopes
    • View TriMode/Attentuation Settings on Probe Compensation Box from Top or End Panel 



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深圳市盈月电子有限公司 公司地址:深圳市龙岗区黄阁路天汇大厦506   技术支持:化工仪器网
  • 联系人:金先生
  • QQ:1718888981
  • 公司传真:0755-82501852
  • 邮箱:dong.jin@szkinghood.com

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